ThriveDX (Lucy)


A specialist in IT security with more than two decades of experience, LUCY Security can simulate the role of a cyber attacker to take security to the next level. LUCY detects existing security flaws to protect you from cyber attacks, a danger companies face on a daily basis. It also educates your employees about cybersecurity and teaches them analytics skills to help them detect and handle risks.

This is how LUCY Security works: The platform allows you to implement a whole cycle – testing your infrastructure, integrating your employees, enhancing the security of your business. It uses a variety of methods. You can test your employees with a phishing attack, for example, or focus on infrastructure with a malware simulation. Because this involves a planned phishing attack, a special learning management allows you to develop a training course for your employees, including individual learning trajectories. Their progress is assessed continuously so that you can see how the campaigns are working. The software includes a reporting system that can be integrated into all conventional email applications to allow you to monitor employee integration. With LUCY Security, your team becomes an important component of your IT security jigsaw.

Find out more about LUCY Security Powered by ThriveDX:

DataStore and LUCY Security Powered by ThriveDX have joined forces to offer:

  • Awareness, learning and testing platform
  • Experienced security consultants
  • Concept development, architecture and proposal consulting
  • Demo options
  • Technical experts to support you with your project implementation
  •  Marketing support


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